Farming with Cianna

Farming with Cianna

Friday, November 3, 2017

I'm back with a brand new rap!

~Not blogging for awhile has made me realize how much I miss writing.
I had around ten  drafts saved on farming, but I decided to delete them.  Since we do not have the zoo of animals that we used to have, I have intentions of changing the blog to fit to my lifestyle now.~

Hey all!  Surprise!  I'm back and have many surprises to let you in on!

For starters, as most of you probably already know, we ended up finding great homes for all of our animals.  We had posted a few posts on our Facebook page, as well as on numerous Facebook pages wanting good homes. Our search was successful and our babies all went to farms in Preston County.  I hope they are still living happy lives with their new families...

Next, COLLEGE! I have moved to be closer to college campus.  While I don't have the same level of exciting events as I did when we had all the animals, I still have a great deal of entertaining stories.  I now live in the middle of a very unique trailer park filled with multiple wild children and cats.  I am living with my boyfriend, his two friends, our THREE dogs, TWO hamsters (which keep fluctuating in number), and my TWO fish.  Life is great(:

After high school graduation, I couldn't have been more nervous about my future. I had plans to go to college and get my Ph. D. in Psychology, along with minors in photography and business, get my certification in Animal Assisted Therapy, and then open my very own equestrian ranch for handicapped children.  I had this dream since my junior year of high school and I thought nothing could be more perfect.  I would be working with the two things I love most- animals and kids, and be making pretty decent money along the way.  

Sadly, as I evaluated my plans and thought back to the things my family had told me, I came to a quick realization.  Psychology is a worthless degree in a world that everyone has it in.  This horse ranch would not do good around here, and I have absolutely no intentions on moving away from my home community.  Also, where was I going to get the money to start my own business?  Where was I going to work before I opened that business?

All these things that I had never thought through before were literally hitting me like a bat.  I decided I need to change my major going into the second semester of my freshman year in college.  I have never had any true interests in any of the normal majors, but one thing from my childhood came to mind.  Teaching!  My sister and I always played school as kids, and of course since I was older, I got to be the teacher.  I had a teacher my junior and senior years of high school that really put down teaching and would yell at anyone who told her they wanted to be a teacher saying: "do you like poverty? do you want to be poor?"  Although she really made teaching sound like it's not worth it, she also explained that you have to really want to do it.  As long as you love your job, the money doesn't compare.  This particular teacher was always my favorite, not only english teacher, but teacher in general.  

I have decided I want to be a high school english teacher, not only because of her, but also for my love of reading and writing- two things that I have always had a passion for.  I want to teach high school over elementary simply because I figured I can have more civil conversations with humans above age 10 and the fact that the english I am interested in is the more complex stuff.  Spelling tests never really were my thing..

As of my working status...well…

I was working at Sam’s Club this past summer, but that came to a dramatic end about 20 days in.  I decided that retail just wasn’t me, not only because of rude customers, but also rude management.  Not all, but most customers acted as if I was the worst part of their day.  I would never be mean to a customer, as I would never be mean to any stranger, but some people made me want to rethink that.  And then there was the managers. YES, START LAUGHING NOW BECAUSE THEY ARE A JOKE.  I have never seen such nasty, inconsiderate people, but we won’t talk any more about this..

I am now jobless, but am hoping that blogging can give me a little extra income.  As you can see, I now have ads various places on my page.  Thanks to Google’s Advertising company, I can get paid per view of the ads on my page.  The link have to be opened and navigated for around 30 seconds, and then money is sent to my account.  Considering that fact that it’s only a few cents per click, I am not anticipating a lot of money, just a little extra.  I thought you all could help me out with that and I would greatly appreciate it!

Being a broke college student has definitely been interesting, but I have loved it every step of the way.  From getting my house remodeled and decorated, to choosing a new major, I have had so much support along the way.  I can’t wait to start sharing my new stories with you!

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1 comment:

  1. They may be bad but you know you love them!
